Hybrid Distance Field / Raytracing In 2D
It's not a secret that raytracing isn't cheap, even if you're using hardware accelerated raytracing, most of the engineering effort ends up creatively avoiding actually raytracing (denoising, upscaling or using screen traces).
Comparatively, distance field tracing is very cheap.
As an example, taking the same code I wrote for Raytracing In 2D, on an Intel UHD 630, at 1920x1080, it takes ~10ms to shoot a single ray per pixel from some origin.
By comparison, using distance fields takes around ~4ms.
So why don't we just use distance fields for everything?
Put bluntly, they aren't precise.
Let's have a look:
A suspiciously good looking visibility trace
You might look at this and go, what's the problem, it looks fine?
Well this 512x512 image needed a 512x512 distance field texture to look correct.
What happens if we decrease the resolution and zoom in.
Less good...
The other problem, even at higher resolutions are thin tunnels:
All the resolution in the world won't save you from progressing too slowly.
If you only need a very coarse visibility test for something like an AI, maybe this is fine.
Likewise if you're only concerned with what's on the screen (for instance ambient shadows), you can generate a screen-sized DF from a BVH very quickly per frame.
Creating A Hybrid
Ideally, we would be able to evaluate a distance field, up until we're near some geometry, then do proper line-ray intersections.
The immediate reaction to this idea is "I'm not storing a list of lines per pixel", an understandable response.
But when you consider there is only a certain amount of unique sets of lines, this starts to sound more do-able.
The pixel format I've chosen has the following layout:
struct Pixel
u8 distance; // df component
u8 numLines; // lines to intersect
u16 offset; // offset to where lines start in a buffer.
Even better, if we ignore the distance to lines that we'd be intersecting, we effectively get to bypass the tunnel issue.
For my implementation, I capture every line that is within 2 pixels distance.
And here is a visualisation of the df and numlines components:
The order of operations are:
- For each pixel, evaluate the distance to non-captured lines, adding the captured lines to a set.
- Write the set to a buffer.
- Insert the buffer offset back into the image.
Or in psuedocode (python):
lines_to_id = {}
df_texture_data = [None] * (res * res)
extra_capture_pixels = 1
capture_dist = (0.5 + extra_capture_pixels) * sqrt(2) / res
for y in range(res):
for x in range(res):
captured_lines = []
min_dist = 1.0
# capture lines + calc min distance
for line in lines:
dist_to_line = calc_dist_to_line((x, y), line)
if dist_to_line <= capture_dist:
elif dist_to_line < min_dist:
dist_to_line = min_dist
# add the lines to a set if they haven't already
if lines not in lines_to_id:
lines_to_id[lines] = len(lines_to_id)
line_group_id = lines_to_id[lines]
df_texture_data[y * res + x] = (min_dist, line_group_id)
# compact the lines into a single stream in whatever way you want.
num_lines, offsets, line_buffer = compact_lines_to_buffer(lines_to_id)
df_texture = [
for min_dist, line_group_id in df_texture_data
return df_texture, line_buffer
Which all things considered, is relatively simple.
When using a resolution of 128x128, that ~10ms raytracing time now takes around ~4ms, putting it on par with pure distance field tracing.
The obvious limitation here is that you wouldn't really want to generate this per frame, since it is a bit expensive.
The traversal can be summed up to:
// Cache to prevent evaluating the same ranges
uint currentCacheKey = 0u;
bool hit = true;
bool done = false;
uint numLines = 0;
uint offset = 0;
// Find the next intersection bucket
for(;numIterations < maxSteps; ++numIterations)
if((distTravelled >= maxDist)
|| (min(uv.x, uv.y) < 0.0)
|| (max(uv.x, uv.y) > 1.0))
hit = false;
ivec2 coord = ivec2(uv * dfTextureRes);
uint texelData = texelFetch(dfTexture, coord, 0).x;
float dist = float(texelData & 0xff) / 255.0;
distTravelled += dist;
numLines = (texelData >> 8) & 0xff;
offset = texelData >> 16;
uv += rd * dist;
if(numLines > 0)
// Don't intersect the same data twice.
uint cacheKey = texelData >> 8u;
if(currentCacheKey == cacheKey)
numLines = 0u;
currentCacheKey = cacheKey;
if(numLines > 0)
if(numLines == 0)
done = true;
// Run intersections
uint start = offset;
uint end = offset + numLines;
for(; start < end; ++start)
// ... do line-line intersection ...
done = true;
Here are all the relevant source code files for the demo at the top:
- DFRT generation (C++): dfrt_generate_v1.cpp
- WASM Bootstrap (C++): wasm_bootstreap_dfrt_v1.c
- Ray traversal (GLSL): v1_df_rtrace_hybrid.glsli
- Visualisers Ray (GLSL): dfrt_v1_tracing_test.frag
- Visualisers DF (GLSL): dfrt_v1_vis_df.frag
- JS used for demo: dfrt_v1.js and dfrt_v1_worker.js
- WASM binary: dfrt_v1.wasm