Raytracing In 2D


During Covid times, me and a group of friends got very into using virtual tabletops, and while playing them, a certain friend who was DMing really wanted to boost the graphics quality, which scaled pretty horribly, especially on older hardware.

One of the biggest bottlenecks seemed to be around how many blockers they would put in their scene, around 10-20 seemed to be ok, but when they started getting into full level designer mode and adding like 200+ it would be basically unplayable.

I can't say I'm sure exactly how this particular VTT implemented this, but I assume it involved a linear loop, line intersecting against every blocker, which in the world of raytracing is a big no-no.

For the specific case of vision blocking, raytracing doesn't seem like something you'd want to do full-frame, every frame and I actually already have a solution which involves projecting and incrementing a stencil buffer (in a similar sort of vibe to shadow volumes), which seemed to work rather nicely and I may post about at some point.

And likewise for lights, using a circular shadow map, offline polygon generation or simply baking lighting data seems like a more reasonable approach (also may cover some implementations for those I've been playing with).

Regardless, I thought it would be interesting to implement raytracing on the GPU (targeting web browsers and not assuming good hardware) from scratch.

(The same logic can be used to perform traces on the CPU as well, which probably has a more direct use of preventing people from clipping through walls)

Building The BVH

Arguably the most important part about accelerating raytracing is the BVH, how this is structured will basically define how you go about discarding batches of lines from being processed any further.

I settled on using a b-tree based approach, where each node is made of 48 bytes (3 x float4) stored in a linear buffer and has the following layout:

struct BvhNodeV1
    uint    leftType;
    uint    leftId;

    uint    rightType;
    uint    rightId;

    float4  leftData;
    float4  rightData;


You may think using an entire 128bits for both the types and ids may seem wasteful (do we really need 16 bytes for two bools and two offsets). And you would be right, however by aligning the result into a float4, it means actually fetching the data is reasonably GPU friendly.

uniform sampler1D bvh;
vec4 v0 = texelFetch(bvh, offset);          // types and ids (asuint / floatBitsToInt)
vec4 v1 = texelFetch(bvh, offset + 1);      // left data
vec4 v2 = texelFetch(bvh, offset + 2);      // right data

To construct the BVH we repeatedly subdivide the number of lines in half, this is done by:

Input Lines
First Level
Second Level

The BVH generation code was written in C++ (link to source at the bottom) and even when targeting WASM, should be rather quick, you can run a little benchmark here (n log(n) time):

So much so, an interesting idea would be to offline calculate a BVH for static elements and per frame generate another BVH for dynamic elements and simply merge their root nodes together (perhaps for another time).

Shader Traversal

To get around the problem of not having arbitrary recursion in shaders, a stack based approach is used instead, as a (very) simplified pseudo-code (python) outline:

def find_closest_hit(ro, rd):
    closest_hit = float("inf")

    stack_offsets = fixed_size_array(MAX_STACK_SIZE)
    stack_offsets.push(0) # Root node

    while stack_offsets:
        offset = stack_offsets.pop()
        node_data = fetch_bvh_data(offset)

        left, right = split_left_right(node_data)
        to_add = []
        for side in (left, right):
            if side.is_line():
                hit_dist = ray_intersection_dist(ro, rd, side.data)
                if hit_dist < closest_hit:
                    closest_hit = hit_dist

                hit_dist = ray_intersction_bbox_dist(ro, rd, side.data):
                # Only push the node for evaluation if it may result in
                # a closer intersection
                if hit_dist < closest_hit:
                    to_add_entry = {"dist": hit_dist, "offset": data.idx}
                    # and keep the closest local intersection at the back,
                    # so it's evaluated first.
                    if to_add.empty() or to_add[0]["dist"] > hist_dist:
                        to_add.insert(0, to_add_entry)

        for to_add_entry in to_add:

    return closest_hit

And here is a little demo of it in action. For reference, on an Intel UHD Graphics 630, it takes ~9ms to do a full 1920x1080 pass, so not something you'd want to use directly for lighting.


Number of lines to use

Walk through walls

BVH Overlay
Ray Vis Type

Worth noting, that it's incredibly simple to generate a distance field from a BVH (findNearestDistanceBvhV1), switching to a SDF model can reduce a full frame evaluation down from 9ms to 3ms at the cost.

Here are all the relevant source code files:

Slighly off tangent, but I ended up putting together a subset of the C std and C++ stl while making this.